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Yuuki looks so happy with his Randoseru, and it is a pleasure to see him.

I think you have found the closest word, knapsack, in English, for Randoseru. Another word some people use is backpack, but that is often used for bigger packs that people use for traveling or hiking overnight and camping, as well as for any pack carried on the back, big or small.

What a pleasure to see Yuuki so excited to start his school life :-) Please give him our regards if he remembers us.

Mr. Yamamoto

Hello, Jessica!

Thank you for your comment and good answer!!
I found there is no right word for Randoseru in the foreign countries, because they don't have it except in Japan.
But, when I explain this I am going to use the word, knapsack, or sometimes backpack.

I'm telling my son about you, but I don't know if he remembers you. Because he was a very small when he met you.

Thank you very much again.

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